The claimant sought entitlement to eight treatment plans. The insurer maintained a MIG position. Adjudicator Makhamra found the claimant failed to meet the burden of proof to warrant removal from the MIG. The claimant holds the onus to prove removal from the MIG is justified. In doing so, Adjudicator Makhamra distilled the analysis to three questions: i. Are the claimant’s injuries predominantly minor? ii. Does the claimant suffer from a pre-existing medical condition that prevents him from reaching maximal recovery if he is subject to the $3500 cap in the Minor Injury Guideline? and, iii. Are the treatment plans necessary and reasonable for the claimant’s treatment? Adjudicator Makhamra was satisfied with the notice letters and said the insurer “explained that the applicant’s injuries were within the MIG; it described the diagnosis, and advised of its intention to schedule an insurer’s examination where applicable.” The treatment plans were found not payable.