The claimant sought reconsideration of the Tribunal’s decision ordering him to repay IRBs to the insurer. The insurer had voided the claimant’s insurance policy after he had failed to notify the insurer of a change in a risk material to that policy. The claimant argued that a third party was at fault for the failure to advise the insurer of the material change; he submitted documents at the reconsideration hearing to support this contention, which had not been previously disclosed. Executive Chair Lamoureux upheld the Tribunal’s decision. She refused to consider the new documents as Rule 18.2(c) only allowed for parties to correct evidence already adduced at a hearing. Executive Chair Lamoureux further held that the documents, if they had been admitted, supported a finding that the claimant was aware of his responsibility to keep the insurer apprised of any material changes that affected his policy, and that he intentionally failed to do so.